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Gerald Payan

Apply With Gerald



Hablo Español

Gerald Payan

Mortgage Loan Originator

NMLS# 1525500

Gerald is originally from Nicaragua but is a true Floridian at heart. He grew up in Jacksonville where he’s been called home for the past 35 years. Gerald is a fluent Spanish speaker with a Business Management degree from Florida State College and over 20 years of customer service satisfaction.

As a Mortgage Loan Originator since 2016, Gerald has helped countless families achieve their homeownership dreams. He understands the importance of building relationships with everyone he interacts with. From first-time homebuyers to investment properties and everything in between, Gerald is a great asset to support families wishing to plant their roots in the Sunshine State.

In his time off, Gerald enjoys traveling with his wife and son. Their goal is to visit all 50 states and are about halfway there! His dream is to have a ranch style home out in the countryside, but his wife would much rather have a condo. Gerald is also a big Jaguars fan and is a baseball umpire in Northeast Florida.