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Apply With Matthew



Matthew Mattox

Mortgage Loan Officer

NMLS # 2587318

As a Jacksonville native with over 20 years of experience in the real estate industry and a background as a healthcare provider, Matthew brings a unique perspective to the home buying process. His journey has taken him around the globe, serving patients in clinics across Guatemala, China, California, and Florida, where he honed a commitment to integrity, hard work, and putting people first. His transition into the mortgage industry has allowed him to blend his passion for real estate with his dedication to helping others, guiding his clients toward financial wellbeing and achieving their goals of homeownership and building investment property portfolios.

Matthew is a licensed Mortgage Loan Originator and Real Estate Associate, and a proud member of the Florida Association of Mortgage Professionals. Throughout his career, he has helped numerous clients, tenants and patients navigate complex situations with a calm demeanor and practical guidance. His approach is client-centered, ensuring a personalized, efficient, and stress-free experience tailored to each individual’s needs.

Whether you’re looking to buy your first home, refinance your current mortgage, or expand your investment portfolio, Matthew believes it’s never too early to start the conversation.

Outside of his professional life, Matthew enjoys surfing, traveling, outdoor adventures, music, and spending quality time with his wife and daughter.